Growing Commercial Fabricator and Installer of Natural Stone and Quartz Countertops

Company Overview

This family-owned enterprise was founded over 20 years ago by the owner for the purpose of fabricating and installing natural stone and quartz countertops. The company is known for delivering on-time, high-quality work, which has made them a leader in their desirable, thriving marketplace.

The organization has refined processes and systems in ways that attract and retain business.  As a result, the company boasts a low customer concentration with over 95% of business tied to their well-known and loyal commercial clients.  The owner wishes to sell 100% of the business and retire.  He is also willing to sell the real estate as part of the business transaction or enter into a long-term lease.

Financial Highlights

2024 Revenue: $10,932,443
2024 EBITDA: $2,986,799

For more information, fill out the contact form below or call our office at 215-240-7648.

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